Problem, does not show browser status

Hello, I am presenting a problem when entering the tab about brave, where I see an error in the part of the state of brave (outdated or updated), which gives me an error and does not show me the state of the browser, the error is the following:

An error occurred checking for updates: Failed to start checking for updates (error code 3: 0x80040154 – system level).

a few minutes ago my antivirus (kaspersky) deleted a file from the following path AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Cache

I do not know if it has anything to do but I leave the data

Thank you for the attention, I look forward to your reply

Just an FYI, there’s another thread here with similar (but not identical) issues. Unclear if related, although they both appear to be the same language installation (Spanish?).

Tengo un problema parecido al suyo.
Tengo la versión Brave: v 1.25.72 en español y me da un error al actualizar.
Mi ordenador es un PC Windows 7 Ultimate con sistema operativo 32 bits
¿Cómo puedo hacer para actualizar Brave a la última versión?

Thanks for responding here @Pablo3 . :slight_smile: Maybe you guys can help each other out.

Also, would you be able to respond to these questions?

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