An error occurred while checking for updates: Update check failed to start (error code 3: 0x80004002 -- system level)

Description of the issue: Updating gives the following error
How can this issue be reproduced? go to brave://settings/help

Expected result: being able to update or show if i’m on the latest version

Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.10.97

Additional Information: An error occurred while checking for updates: Update check failed to start (error code 3: 0x80004002 – system level).

Learn more

Version 1.10.97 Chromium: 83.0.4103.116 (Official Build) (64-bit)
It also gives me a popup screen on windows to allow changes, but even though I allow changes, it still gives the error, if i refresh, it gives the same pop-up asking to allow changes again.

I am also not getting any ads, while my wife gets tons of ads. I used to get ads before. I set it to max 5 per hour but I haven’t had ads for weeks if not months.

Your Brave is outdated – .

Can you try download the installer again from then run the installer. Just run the installer – no need to uninstall – make sure you quit Brave. It’ll fetch the latest version.

I had to delete the update folder and run the installer again to fix it.

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