I noticed that there is a Privacy Hub feature on mobile which shows details about the things the Shields have blocked.
Is there a similar feature on desktop browser?
I couldn’t find it and also didn’t find anything here or on Reddit.
I noticed that there is a Privacy Hub feature on mobile which shows details about the things the Shields have blocked.
Is there a similar feature on desktop browser?
I couldn’t find it and also didn’t find anything here or on Reddit.
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Thanks, this was not exactly what I had in mind but actually I was able to make this work.
I now have a python script which prints the “ads_blocked” value in my terminal like this: Current ads_blocked value: 3969
If anyone is interested, here is the script:
import os
import re
# Define the path to the Preferences file
preferences_path = "/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Preferences"
# Function to read and display the ads_blocked value
def display_ads_blocked():
# Check if the Preferences file exists
if not os.path.exists(preferences_path):
print("Preferences file not found.")
# Read the current Preferences file
with open(preferences_path, 'r') as file:
content = file.read()
# Use a regular expression to find the ads_blocked value
match = re.search(r'"ads_blocked":"(\d+)"', content)
if match:
ads_blocked_value = match.group(1) # Extract the captured group
print(f"Current ads_blocked value: {ads_blocked_value}")
print("ads_blocked key not found.")
# Run the function
When I run it, I type:
python3 braveads.py
This is for macOS but probably works on other platforms too.
May interest - an AppleScript that saves Tabs (title and link combinations) to a Mac Desktop file:
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