Please help me l dont know what to do

Hi there! I am having some problems everytime l look up something it brings me to Yahoo or Micosoft Bing and the thing is that is not the search engeine l use, l use google. This started today and this never happened to me in this broswer, it happend to me in Safari but l dont mind it since l use Brave. I looked it up and it said it has a “browser hijacked”. Please help me! (btw l use Mac)

Clear DNS cache on your Mac:

URL: brave://net-internals/#dns

Click on “Clear host cache”

Clear browser cache on your Mac:

URL: brave://settings/clearBrowserData

Select Basic

Set Time range to “All time”

ENABLE all three:

  • Browsing history
  • Cookies and other site data
  • Cached images and files

Click on the “Clear data” button

On your Mac, go to:


and move the “com.brave.Browser” folder to the Trash

Quit everything and Restart your Mac

Temporarily pick a different Search Engine:

URL: brave://settings/search

Select DuckDuckGo

Report back - does a Brave Browser window go to it?

In a New Window?

In a New Private Window?

Worth to try:

  • disable your extensions

Most likely one if your extension is the culprit.

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