Please Help, How Can I Force Re enable an Extension Which Google disabled as Malware

I did not find any issues with this Extension Which Google disabled as Malware and In fact its my favorite Extension, It made my Browsing Experience Great, I Know Google Can be Fragile and Sensitive and often get triggered by small behavioral changes, For me, thats the reason why i dont use Google chrome and use brave instead, This is one of my Super Favorite Extension and if Google Marks as Malware, Well, I can Live with that Malware, Just tell me how to Get this Extension Enabled

Alternatively, I am also looking for ways to Import an older version of this Extension, For Example, the Latest version seems to be 7.3.2 and the Prior/Previous Version to this one Seems to be 7.3.0, I have Checked a website which is called Crx4chrome

From there, I was able to download a older version where its release date was December 2023 and May 2023(7.2 version)

I checked both of these older versions on Virustotal and they were shown as Safe

Now, How to Install the crx file Manually ?

I already Exported the Config File So i can just import it and i will Get my old Settings back Real Quick