Please add an RSS option to the Brave website blog section so we could get the latest blog post via RSS instead of the newsletter.
the brave today has a wide variety of websites that are preselected, there is no choice for user selected websites, what if we want to get the feeds for the websites that we have set to send tips in brave rewards. Just think about it , that if we are paying a websites the bat token we would more likely to be wanting its updates , it will boost brave sales a lot. Brave should reimplement their brave today section in such a way that they should set a new cateogry of the feeds from the websites the person has set monthly payments and from the creators the viewers sees the most . Would not that be interesting.
No ETA yet, but it’s on the list,
I don’t know why you got me wrong. I don’t mean Brave Today and I didn’t mention it. Please read my topic carefully.
This option is not yet available, but is in the works. Appreciate your patience, thank you.
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