So since the last night I have got a problem with streaming any thing in a known streaming website and it keep giving me the same error every single time, enable drm controlled content, I have checked my brave and it was up to date I even turned it kept turning it off and turning it on back again even thought it was on all the time. How can this issue be reproduced?
Not having any issues viewing this content on my end.
Can you try visiting the site in a Guest profile (Menu --> More tools --> Guest profile) and see if you get the same error?
@abedoo10 screenshots darken out the video, so I went ahead and did a picture of my screen from the phone. But then to show where I skipped ahead and did a screenshot as well. All content loads with no issues.
If you’re having problems then it would be something to do with your device, or at least something you have done different to the browser such as extensions or something you have installed. Try going to brave://components and see if everything updates fine there.
Otherwise I’d question if changing anything on Shields, including turning it off, might have any difference.
@abedoo10 this is more of a known issue that occurs with some people. What I am holding off on is to see what @Mattches suggests.
To give you an explanation of what’s happened, your device has put the components folder into an administrator only file. So when you launch, Brave can’t access it.
Temporary solution can sometimes be to launch Brave as an administrator.
People also have mentioned going into their Brave Browser folder and deleting components, which then get restored when they open Brave.
Otherwise, uninstall Brave completely and reinstall.
But there should be something better and simpler here to advise people to do.
Would be related to the Github below, most likely:
@abedoo10 can you try – as @Saoiray just mentioned, toggling the Widevine extensions “off” in the browser, then going to C:\Users\[YourUsername]\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data deleting the component folder for WidevineCDM.
Once done, relaunch the browser and toggle Widevine back on in brave://Settings/Extensions and tell me if this works.