Playing DRM protected content not working in Brave

Hi - I am trying to play our national TV’s (SRF / Switzerland) emissions in the Brave browser (e.g. but I keep getting errors with the message: “Der Inhalt kann nicht abgespielt werden.” (“the content can not be played”).

There is a “get debug info” button in the error messages which essentially reveals this message:

DRM: KeySystem Access Denied! – Key system access denied! Unsupported keySystem or supportedConfigurations.

I googled for the above message but couldn’t locate anything helpful.

The very same pages work fine in Chrome, Edge and Firefox. Only Brave shows the above error. What can I do to get this working in Brave, too?

Just found the solution myself:
Under settings → Extensions there is an entry:


Use Widevine digital rights management (DRM) component to view protected streaming video and other content in the browser.

Enabling that got things working.

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