Brave not working on streaming services

Hello. I have been using brave for a while and has never been able to use streaming services like netflix, disney etc. Only youtube works for me. I’ve just been switching to google whenever I wanted to watch a series or a movie. It’s gotten to a point where it’s getting miserable to have to switch and I have tried a few different things to fix it but nothing has worked. Please help!

I by the way, live in Denmark

Can you please go to Settings → Extensions in the browser and ensure that the Widevine DRM module is toggled on? If so, can you please go to brave://components and ensure that it is using the latest version?

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Can’t believe it! Turning on Widevine DRM was the solution, thank you very much! (Seems so obvious I’m lowkey embarrassed I didn’t do that already ;-| )

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No worries — those things can be easy to miss sometimes!