I use a Mac, and macOS has a built-in PDF viewer (Preview) which is much better and much more full-featured than Brave as far as working with PDF files.
I love Brave for viewing sites and PDF files online, but for local ones, there’s never been a time where I would prefer them to open in Brave. When I click the download menu and click on a downloaded PDF file, I would much prefer to have my computer’s default PDF app open.
. . . and download the PDF file to my folder of choice. Then I go to the MacOS Finder and use the MacOS Finder procedures to navigate to that folder of choice.
On my old Mac, I am using a 2-year oldr BB version Version 1.41.100 Chromium: 103.0.5060.134 (Official Build) (x86_64), the setting is:
You might find the “PDF documents” settings, under “Additional content settings” at:
Websites have the ability to decide, that the visitor first views the website’s PDF file in the Internet browser. I have never had to enable the “Open PDFs in Brave” setting.
I am suggesting, that you will figure out some work around.