Over a year and still can't link my Rewards to Uphold

I’ve been trying to link my rewards to my uphold account for over a year. I’m really irritated over this and this is pretty much my last effort before I say screw this whole damn thing. My uphold account has been verified for a very long time over a year and every time I try to link my rewards to it it says please use a license verified account but mine is!!!
I’m using Linux and Android and both of them are up to date the newest version.

No I’m not using a Vpn

Just chiming in here. Only really two options as I see it.

Log a support ticket with Uphold (to get account looked into and fixed)
Setup Self Custody with Brave Wallet.

I’m not an expert just trying to help you.

@nozeonfroze what is the exact message you see? Can you share a screenshot or copy/paste it? For example,. are you referencing what I speak about at Helpful Info & FAQ for Brave Users - #17 by Saoiray ?

Already opened a ticket with uphold they said that everything was verified on their end to contact somebody from brave which that’s basically impossible

That’s one I hadn’t seen yet, @nozeonfroze. But could you try looking over everything in the link I provided in the last post? I’m wondering if they just changed the terminology. But it makes it sound like you haven’t done the complete KYC/AML they want, which may include sending in the extra pictures they want.

Not at all. Just create a Rewards Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431 and they can look into it. The challenge is that it sounds like something on Uphold’s API is telling Brave that it’s not 100%.

The big challenge with Uphold sometimes is that they’ll look and tell you that your account is in good standing for them, but they are only thinking of what they require for you to have an Uphold account. Just like how some have changed address and Uphold said they were good, but they didn’t think about how passport needed to be changed for it to be recognized for the Rewards API. Once they adjusted that on their end, it adjusted for users.

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