Outlook Error with Brave as Default Browser

Hi there,

First post on the forums here. After much deliberation and research I downloaded brace and switched from chrome. I have been very happy other than the error I get in outlook while trying to click a hyperlink, if Brave is set as my default browser. I work in I.T, and have made sure the windows html registry files are ok, i reinstalled brave, and reinstalled office 2019. If i switch my default browser to anything else, the hyper links work and the error goes away.

The error reads “Your organizations policies are preventing us from completing this action”.

I also tried multiple different email hyperlinks to ensure it wasn’t one bugged email.

My current brave version is Version 1.5.123 Chromium: 80.0.3987.163 (Official Build) (64-bit).

I hope this can be resolved but i see other threads like this totally unanswered. It sucks but not being able to use my work email with Brave as the default app, may be a deal breaker.

Thanks in advance

Thanks for reaching out to us.
First thing is to make sure you update to the latest build of the browser – go to Menu --> About Brave to prompt your browser to fetch the latest updates (should be v1.7.92 at the time of writing this).

As for the outlook issue – are you using a computer that is connected a work or network other than your home?

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