I have that set on my Android tablet but it still shows me a mobile view when I open a link from emails or texts … like the page I am on now after clicking the link for this topic in the email notification about your response.
I see — apologies. Further it looks like we do have an open issue to capture data on this. I’ve added your report to the Github issue on your behalf. Can you please also tell me what type of device you’re using when you see this behavior?
No problem. Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra running Android 12
I just noticed the same issue happens when I click a link from google search results. It doesn’t happen on regular, none search result page links on other web pages as far as I can tell. If I disable the Shields on the google results page its links open correctly in the desktop view.
However, disabling the Shields doesn’t fix my webmail’s or text links. I tried both Samsung’s old default Messages app and it’s new default Messages from Google apps for texting and both their text links open in the mobile view.