Option to disable right click -> translate to

Is it possible to disable “Translate to [language]” in the right-click menu? I use a translation extension (since Brave cannot be configured to use the Google Translate engine, which would be another great feature) and would like to remove this option from the right-click menu. Having multiple translation options in the same menu creates unnecessary confusion. I thought turning off “Use Brave Translate” would remove this option, but apparently, that’s not the case. Thank you!

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@waltonwing go to brave://flags and disable it there.

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Okay, so at least confirmed with you on Reddit here. Marked as a solution as it should handle what you want for your use case.

But let me also tag in @Mattches so he can talk with the team to see if it’s intended or if any change can be made. As you said, if Translate is off in Brave’s settings you wouldn’t think it would still have the Translate To option in the context menu.

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