I have the current Brave browser on linux (Version 0.69.135 Chromium: 77.0.3865.120 (Official Build) (64-bit)) and it is no longer optimizing casting of videos to my chromecast. Earlier releases had detected and optimized casting the video but the current release is only casting the tab.
This results in choppy video display and more resources used on my laptop to cast the video. I cannot isolate when the change occurred, as it has been several months since I last attempted to do so.
The site in question I am casting from is:
The video is a live stream of services and thus active only during services. Unfortunately the website is NOT chromecast enabled, so casting starts initially as casting the tab and it used to optimize this, but did not tonight.
Of course the best solution would be for the website to become chromecast enabled. The next best would be for the live video stream URL to be determined and passed to the chromecast for it to play itself in its media player with the brave browser window simply working in remote mode. The next best would be to optimize by forwarding only the video stream to the chromecast for playback.
I have the Local Media Router Extension enabled. Are there any other settings I am missing?