NSFW: New Tab Ad Pop-Up on Nhentai (Android/Windows)

Description of the issue:
When you browse enough on the website. A new tab pop-up will appear out of nowhere.

Affects Both:

  • Windows
  • Android

Applies to both default filters and also even if you enabled the following filters:

  • Fanboy Annoyances List
  • uBlock Annoyances List (used with Fanboy Annoyances List)

Exact URL of the website in question:

After browsing for awhile. A new tab pop-up with the following web domain will load

Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave
The screenshot isn’t useful since the pop-up’s website content is blocked by default in Brave Browser.

Did the issue present with default Shields settings? (yes/no)

Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off?

Is there a specific Shields configuration that causes the site to break? If so, tell us that configuration. (yes/no):

Does the site work as expected when using Chrome?

Brave version (check About Brave):
1.24.86 - Android
1.24.86 - Windows 10


  • The new tab pop-up is happening more frequently on the Brave Browser for Android than the Windows app.


Test using brave://flags/#brave-adblock-cosmetic-filtering-native and brave://flags/#brave-adblock-cosmetic-filtering enabled, this may resolve the issue.

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No! NHENTAi no! Please!

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Not available on Android

Available on Android

After Enabling The Filter on Android
So far, the pop-up new tab doesn’t appear, I’ll monitor and update.

If there’s no more reply perhaps in the next few days. It means brave://flags/#brave-adblock-cosmetic-filtering works

Nevermind. The flag didn’t work.

A new tab pop up still appeared on Brave Browser for Android.

The frequency of the pop ups is also not affected and still rampant :frowning:

How about on Desktop?

It still opens a pop-up new tab on Brave Browser for Windows

Both flags are enabled

  • brave://flags/#brave-adblock-cosmetic-filtering-native
  • brave://flags/#brave-adblock-cosmetic-filtering

Hey AcephalXV123,

I tried it just now in a private browser on both my Android and on my mac, and after a few minutes, I haven’t had any popups. If I may ask:

  1. How long does it usually take for one of these popups to show up?
  2. Have you tried doing this in either a new profile or in private browsing?

Reply for Item 1
My apologies, I forgot to specifically mention that the pop-up mostly appears when you are reading a chapter, for example the pop up will appear at Page X of Page Y.

I think this was intentionally setup since a pop-up is only meant for those who start reading a chapter or a series in the site.

When you’re just navigating what to read, the pop-up usually won’t appear.

Reply for Item 2
It happens even on a fresh installation of Brave Browser on both Windows and Android and can occur on both regular tab and private windows.

Try adding the following into brave://adblock, nhentai.net##+js(aopr, show_popunders)

I just would like to take note the primary concerned device would be the Android since on Windows, it’s easy to uninstall pop-up blockers.

Now for the feedback.

With brave://flags/#brave-adblock-cosmetic-filtering-native disabled

  • nhentai.net##+js(aopr, show_popunders) didn’t work.

With brave://flags/#brave-adblock-cosmetic-filtering-native enabled

  • nhentai.net##+js(aopr, show_popunders) didn’t work.

Both test occurred while the following filters are also enabled

  • Fanboy Annoyances List
  • uBlock Annoyances List (used with Fanboy Annoyances List)

Testing the reply button if Akismet is still blocking my reply.

Okay, good I can reply again.

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For reference, the primary platform to be fixed here is Android since it’s easy to install a pop-up blocker extension to Brave Browser for Windows.

I tested this a few hours ago nhentai.net##+js(aopr, show_popunders)

  • This doesn’t work even when brave://flags/#brave-adblock-cosmetic-filtering-native is enabled

In addition to this, during the test. The following filters are also enabled

  • Fanboy Annoyances List
  • uBlock Annoyances List (used with Fanboy Annoyances List)

Update, I tried to use uBlock Origin since it blocks the pop-up ads by default and used the logger to check the block log, then I found the culprit and filter used to block the pop-up ad.

Filter: ||adtng.com^$popup
Filter list: EasyList
Type: popup
URL: a.adtng.com/get/10001527?time=3D1609880152289

Static Filter Rule

I added a Custom Filter on brave://adblock

  • ||adtng.com^$popup,domain=nhentai.net

And disabled the flag

  • brave://flags/#brave-adblock-cosmetic-filtering-native

So far, there’s no pop-up new tabs anymore after trying to browse and reading several chapters.

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