If you are unable to or have stopped seeing Brave Ads, please read through the following posts first to ensure that basic troubleshooting steps are checked:
After reading the above, if you’re still having trouble viewing ads, please answer the following:
Are you able to receive general desktop/push notifications?
You can test this by visiting this page on our Help Center and forcing a push notification to appear.
Are you in a supported region (if so, which one)?
Check https://brave.com/transparency and confirm that you are in an applicable region
Give us a brief description of the ads behavior you’re seeing
Not receiving any ads
What OS/Brave version are you using?
Please copy/paste the top 3 lines of your brave://version
Brave | 1.22.71 Chromium: 89.0.4389.114 (Official Build) (x86_64) |
Revision | 1ea76e193b4fadb723bfea2a19a66c93a1bc0ca6-refs/branch-heads/4389@{#1616} |
OS | macOS Version 11.2.3 (Build 20D91) |