Not receive any kind of ads since more than 1 week

Since more than i am not receiving any type of ads while using brave. also not received any claim option to collect my ads reward.

country India.
every setting is ok.
no vpn use.
updated brave…
uphold wallet connect.

Wallet payment ID

help me bro @steeven


Probably you ought to edit out your Wallet ID.

That is something to NOT reveal, except to Brave Support people such as @steeven and @Mattches.



dont know bro what happen.

You can Edit your original post, above — select the Pencil tool (pencil icon) — and backspace through all of your Wallet ID info.

That info should only be supplied to a Brave Support team member (usually, lately, to @steeven)

The following, is an example of when he asks somebody to send that info via Direct Message (“DM”):

IF / When you hear from him, you would Click on his image, and you will see something like:

Screen Shot 2021-07-31 at 10.04.46 AM

Then click on the Message button.

thanks bro… :nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face:

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