Not getting notification ads, neither paid for sponsored imgages in my main profile

Main profile, 3 months old.
I havent received notification ads since late december, early jan, yes, desktop notifications are working.

Sponsored ads show up but not bat is added to estimated pending rewards, no ad counter and ad-history is added/updated.

I just made a dummy profile, I got ads within 2 minutes, both notification and sponsored image, bat was added to pending reward (for that new profile.)
Same pc, same browser installation, same network.

Is there any way to move my wallet to another profile or merge both profiles wallet? I just read that there’s a 4 devices limit for uphold so I don’t wanna burn 1 slot.

Main profile with 95 bat

Dummy profile for testing

Location; México
OS: W7
Brave version: Up to date 1.20.103 Chromium: 88.0.4324.152 (Official bBuild) (64-bit)

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Hi there, I was having the same issue as well and bump into your thread.

It seems to happen with me after the latest update. Not only there was no ads notifications, I also experienced unresponsive pages frequently at least 4-5 times a day.

Tried created a new profile and starts to get ads notifications again.

Would be curious to know how to fixed this.

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Same here, all the notifications work but I haven’t receve an add for 6 months now

Hope it will be fix soon.

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I have the same issue

I receive notifications
but I don’t get BAT for home screen picture ads and it doesn’t count those.

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I have same issue, not received ads on main profile for 4 month.
I hope it will get fix.

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@Ipunk what country are you based in?

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I’am in France and I don’t use any kind of vpn.

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