No video, just audio, for YouTube

I can get the audio but no video on YouTube. Works fine on Edge/Firefox/Chrome. I have turned Flash on/off; I have turned off Shields. Nothing helps. Other non-YouTube videos work okay. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help!

Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Additional Information:


Go to this URL

Is this setting ON ?
Use hardware acceleration when available

If ON, turn it off, exit Brave , start Brave again and test.

You 'da man! It worked fine.


Tom Regnier
If we’ve learned nothing else about America in 2020, we’ve learned that we have an infinite capacity to ignore the fires raging all around us while we fixate on a pebble in our shoe. Jay Busbee, Journalist