Hi Brave browser team!
I am New to this forum.
I am running an HP Pavilion Notebook laptop with Windows 10, HP Product number N5R61UA#BA (the ‘Star Wars’ edition laptop).
I am also running the Avast Internet Security software.
I have been using the older version of Brave, as I like the privacy features.
I am not a ‘computer geek’, but I am not totally technically clueless, ether.
On about 19 December, I got a Brave update notice, and updated the Brave software.
This was apparently not a minor tweak, but a serious revision.
After it finished loading, I had NO SOUND.
I am using Youtube videos as a test.
No sound on any of the browsers I had installed……the new version of Brave, on the old version of Brave, on Firefox, on Pale Moon, on Microsoft Edge. No sound, period.
I tried various troubleshooters and searched through the Brave settings to see if I could find the glitch, to no avail.
I did a system restore on the computer, and got it back to the way it was before I installed the new version of Brave.
To try again, or to replicate the glitch, I (just in case there was a conflict between the new and old Brave) removed both the new and the old version of Brave, then downloaded and installed a fresh copy of the new version of Brave
“Version 0.58.16 Chromium: 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)”.
Again, I am getting NO SOUND on Brave, when playing Youtube videos.
However, this time I DO have sound using Pale Moon, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.
I ‘lowered the Brave shield’…. Still no sound.
I ran the Brave compatibility troubleshooter (no problems found)
NOTE: The ‘compatibility troubleshooter’ automatically set itself for compatibility with Windows 8, and I could not change this, but my computer originally came with, and is running Windows 10 (if that makes any difference.)
I clicked on the button to ‘reset the settings’ on Brave to the original. This ‘reset’ ran for several minutes, Watching the computer activity on Task Manager the activity level was very low. I finally decided that something was blocking or stopping the reset, I closed the Brave window.
So…. Right now I have no sound when using Brave, but I’m OK when using other browsers.
Any idea as to what is causing the glitch?
Anything I can try doing on my end?
My thought is to wait a couple of weeks, then try downloading Brave and trying it again.
I figure if I am having this glitch, then others are probably having it also, and you are working on a fix.
But…… I did not see this glitch on the ‘community’ forum. Maybe if I do not send this note, there may be a glitch that you are not aware of.
I did not see a ‘search button’ for the community forum. It might be helpful for people to be able to search the community entries.
So… I am sending this note Just In Case you are not hearing about it from anyone else.
I am sending this NOT as a COMPLAINT…. But as a ‘Heads-Up’ to let you know that there is a glitch ……somewhere…… in the labyrinth of code.
My background is a mechanical design engineer…… I would design something, test it, build a few, they would be field tested, and if it worked OK, we would have a contract shop start making units and supplying our field guys. If there was a problem at that point, I was out of the loop. I would NEVER hear about it UNLESS someone called or emailed me, and I was always glad that someone would take the time to let me know. Some people would not tell ME…… but would gripe to all their buddies… UGH!
So…. NOT GRIPING……but a friendly, and hopefully helpful Heads-Up about a glitch.
All the Best!