I’m using the BETA version of Brave browser.
I find that I’m getting ads somewhat correctly for 2 days but the payments are missing
I received nearly 10 to 15 ads in last 2 days but the estimated earning is holding the same value and doesn’t changed.
My estimated earning is 4.525 BAT before 2 days and till now its same as 4.525 BAT, but I have watched 10+ ads in the past 2 days
I’m not sure whether this problem is only on Brave BETA version or the problem is on all the versions.
Kindly provide the solution ASAP
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Afaik many of the users facing this issue and @Mattches said that the technical team is working to resolve this kida bugs ASAP and come back with a good Rewards system.
Don’t worry, one’s hard work never goes in vain
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