May Brave Rewards payout and Estimated earnings stuck

Hello everyone,

I have been a Brave user for some time and this month I have not received payment. Is there a problem with my browser?

Another problem I have is that since the 7th of May I have seen ads but I do not receive BAT. My earnings estimates are stuck.

Can you help me please?


@BDG7 Nobody can help you because we are all in the same situation … Brave doesn’t pay. In a few minutes @steeven will come here to tell you to send him a message with your data and then do nothing else. Don’t waste time on this … They don’t want to pay

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Hi @BSCUNHA - please see our DM. I think you’ll be pleased.


Thank you for reporting! Please DM with the following information:

  • Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals)
  • Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in brave://version)
  • A screenshot of your Rewards panel in Settings --> Brave Rewards.

This will help to speed up the troubleshooting. Thank you in advance!