Today after rebooting my computer (loading new version of Brave?) I can no longer click to see the individual names of trackers blocked under shield. Here is how it used to work for me until this morning: How to see the names of the scripts and trackers blocked by shields
This was an extremely useful feature! Has this been taken away? Can I get it back?
I am quite fully aware that it is under “Advanced Controls”.
I am also aware that the Brave “flags” can be changed to disable the Brave Shields V2 and enable the Brave Shields V1,
which I have done.
The point is many users do not have the knowledge to tamper with the Brave “flags” and do not like having to go through the extra mouse clicks to see what was previously displayed via simply clicking the Brave Shields icon.
I don’t know what on earth the Brave developers are trying to do with this change it is illogical and TOTALLY UNWARRANTED.
Surely there are much more serious issues that Brave developers should give much greater priority to.
But instead we get a pointless so called feature introduced which is inconvenient to Brave users.
Most Brave users would appreciate much more control over the Brave Shields settings.
Instead of those desirable changes we get this rubbish foisted upon us.
How many people here requested this feature in these forums?
The answer is NOBODY requested this change at all.
I REALLY appreciate all the suggestions here – resetting flags and looking under advanced settings. I have reset flags to version 1 of Shields.
I agree this is a feature reduction and the ability to see trackers needs to be returned to the easy-to-find location it was in for Shields V1.
Other than this issue, I have been really happy with Brave developers. They honest-to-gods actually programmed a change for me a few months ago when Psychology Today’s televideo provider had specially coded their systems to block the Brave web browser! Very cool. See Sessions by Psychology Today -- Televideo Service Refuses Brave - #20 by reederm
@reederm While waiting for the issue to be solved in the next update we can only check for trackers by Right-Clicking on the page, and choosing Inspect as in image below.
289wk – THANK YOU!! This is very useful and disappointing. I am a psychotherapist on a mission to get telehealth companies to STOP tracking clients.
Sessions by Psychology Today is one of the better ones in that they “only” have the one tracker (DataDogHQ) and their product manager tells me its for internal use only. Hmmm… I’m going to go play with these settings you’ve given me, read-up a bit more on DataDogHQ and then maybe send this info out to clients.
I’ve already fired several other telehealth video services (don’t get me started on – yes, someone actually named their medical telehealth service that… – 10+ trackers… FaceBook, LinkedIn, Google, HotAds, DoubleClick, YouTube…)
Zoom has multiple trackers, but they all seem to be on Zoom servers, so I don’t know what to make of them…
UPDATE: Made the changes, logged in as both client and meeting initiator on two different computers. Worked perfectly.