Brave shield update


There used to be a filtering option in the “Block script” menu that allowed us to select which script to block or allow, resulting in a tricky but successful combination of allow/block leading to a no-ad experience on the french website

Screenshot from 2022-06-16 21-04-51

Since the last update, it seems like I’m unable to have this menu, leading to a lot of terribly annoying ads.
Is there any option in the developer tools or anywhere to enable this option again?
I tried many different combination of blocks/allowances with no luck.

Version: 1.39.122 on Fedora 30.



Recommended Brave Shields version is v1

In a Brave Browser - New Window, go to: brave://flags

Search for: Enable Brave Shields

  • DISABLE: Enable Brave Shields v2
  • ENABLE: Enable Brave Shields v1

Recommended GLOBAL SHIELDS settings:

In a Brave Browser - New Window, go to: brave://settings/shields

  • Enable: Show the number of blocked items on the Shields icon

If ‘Default view’ option is available, select: Advanced view

  • Disable: Auto-redirect AMP pages (AMP - Google’s Accelerated Mobile Page)
  • (Alternate setting for older Brave Browser versions, try: Disable Enable De-AMP at brave://flags)
  • Enable: Prevent sites from fingerprinting me based on my language preferences
  • Trackers & ads blocking: Agressive
  • Enable: Upgrade connections to HTTPS
  • Enable: Block scripts
  • Block fingerprinting (aka Fingerprinting blocking): Strict, may break sites
  • Block cookies (aka Cookie blocking): Only cross-site

General Ref. material:

Shields v1 illustrations:

Shields v2 illustrations:

Thank you very much, that’s exactly what I was looking for !
Have a good one :slight_smile:

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