I’ve set the number of ads displayed to 5 a month and it was working fine and dandy for the past 3 months. Come February and I’ve not had a single ad displayed the entire month (maybe just the occasional sponsored image). Can anyone suggest next steps for recourse? Would really like to earn some BAT for my attention
If it helps:
Based in Asia, on corporate VPN (sometimes placed in India or Hong Kong)
Using Mac OS, not on full screen mode
Updated to latest Brave Version 1.20.108 Chromium: 88.0.4324.182 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Hi, i have the same problem, I’m living in china so i’m using VPN on my macbook.
But I dont think the problem come from the VPN. I use brave since more than a year and it was working well until January, since that i didn’t received any ads.
I have the last version of Brave
I doesn’t use VPN always but still doesn’t get any Ads since 2 months
I’ve set the number of ads displayed to 5 an hour
I don’t think the VPN is the problem here either as Brave has a VPN function as well.
@Romain2 - I played around with my MacBook settings and I have fixed it (for now). You can try disabling and then re-enabling notifications for Brave, hopefully that works for you.
So i did try it, but after a week, i still don’t receive any ads, i receive normal notification but no ads. I really don’t understand where the problem is