No brave Ads or Rewards in Desktop


So for the whole month of August I haven’t been receiving ads (I have all my notifications settings activated, and I do get notifications from sites now and then), for a while I was able to solve the problem by deactivating and activating again the Ads Settings (I had to do this at least once a week), but now not even that solves the problem, I stopped receiving Ads completely. I’ve trying restarting the browser, the computer, lots of settings, and nothing.

Another thing is that I do get the Ad wallpaper some times in a new tab (The “you are getting paid to see this” one) but I don’t get rewards from that at all.

Could you please help me solving this issue?

Thank you very much,

Many users are facing the same or similar issues – the team is working presently to resolve them as well as set up more reliable mechanisms for providing support for these types of issues:

We appreciate your patience.

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Is there an estimated time of when will this be fixed? I have been getting literally zero ads and the wallpaper ads are not giving BAT even though it says they are. :frowning:

I’m not getting any ads since August. Is there an ongoing issue? Please advise.

Hello, it’s been two months and I am still getting 1 or 2 ads per week at best.
Is the bug not fixed yet? Could you please help me solving this problem or shed some light on what is going on.

Thank you very much,
Ivan D.

Yeah,Having Similar Issue,Hope they address it soon!

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