Lul, are you guys not valued at your proper evaluation orr?
If you have eyes you can read
The only transactions on my uphold are my trades.
I traded a few dollars into bat prior to the money dump that was supposed to come today to make a few cents more then transferred back to usd, but nothing from brave.
A mí no me apareció el botón de reclamar recompensas
Mine states the same. Looks like it skipped the payout for May and tagged into onto June. Perhaps it’s a delay due to processing, but suggest they change the wordage etc. on the system so it doesn’t provoke ‘wonder’.
Also, if the payout date is May 5 (in this case it states), then it should be there 12:00:00:01 like the rest of the world, not start paying at 1 minute before the 6th and then take a couple days. Again, change your wordage to avoid problems.
Next, the shitty iOS operating system barely works to setup rewards, nevermind keep track. The QR code transfer doesn’t work either.
I’ve 2 cells and 2 computers running brave; all connected to one uphold (sadly uphold). Expect these to automatically convert to payout on the monthly basis as stated. At least show the claim button (one did, other 3 no). If these do carry to June instead of now, I’ll expect the highest .bat USD price from here to 06/05/21 in lieu of .bat
Thanks kindly.
its like not a lot of money, but they are using my computers resources and hogging a stupendous ton of it just to do it. What bugs me more is the ram usage tbh. I really wouldnt even be pissed off but man this browser is a hog.
same here…and this has been a very longtime, ongoing issue re: BAT being properly tracked and/or credited. if you look back at comments from this past year 2020, it’s evident they’ve known about the problem for a very long time. no idea why they choose to let it continue on like this.
I posted a comment back in early March with a few ‘updates’ to my concerns, I just added a comment today. but still, not one reply from them, the Brave browser admins, about my inquiry.
and now I see the message they posted about the ‘possible causes’ and some people may find a solution in that. but the lion’s share of complaints I’ve read would not be fixed by that. as many of us had been receiving credit and payments and the issues came up AFTER that.
and now they’re saying payments will take several days to post due to the sheer number of those of us who are expecting to be receiving our monthly BAT. and that we’re to contact them after all payouts are made, which, of course, there’s no way for us to really know when that last day will be. it’s just more of the same runaround and it’s getting quite old.
@wesbard this has been an ongoing issue for many of us who had already been receiving monthly payouts, so that post the admin made does not hold much weight for a lot of us Brave browser users. plus, complaints about this kind of a payout problem have gone back at least through this past year, btw.
Payment to match now mr.bat
well, plus my 20% day trading fee
gotta have some amusement over it
well, I - for one - am NOT amused by the lack of interest the Brave admin team has had re: fixing this issue. it has gone on for far too long for it to seem as if they really intend to remedy it. I just don’t understand why they’re like this.
really wish I’d known about the Brave Community forums here before I signed on to earn BAT from ads. because where I did look for user feedback, reviews, info, after I first learned about the browser, I didn’t find anything negative.
but after making use of it and after the payment situation went south, I read, in the forums here, tracking and payment complaints that went, at least, as far back as through last year, 2020. and considering how MANY complaints there are re: this issue, it seems obvious that there’s no real will, on the part of the tptb @ Brave, to handle their business properly. which is such a shame because the Brave Browser idea, it was a good one.
and, well, I heard about a few other browsers that pay out in crypto in exchange for users doing something [not sure what yet]. which I had planned to study up on anyway, at some point in the near future. but now I think I’ll be setting some time aside, for looking into them sooner rather than later - and I do believe ‘sooner’ means, this weekend.
Payouts are currently in progress, so don’t be alarmed if you have not yet received your BAT from ads. Please see this thread for updates - May 2021 Brave Ads Payout Status - #3 by steeven. Please do not send a DM with your information until after payments have finished processing.
Thank you for your patience!