No Brave Rewards! - Did not receive my brave rewards for this month!

Hi Everyone,

I did not receive my BATs for the month of April which was due on May 6th, 2021 as shown on the Brave Rewards settings page. I’ve read through all the pages/articles suggested before posting a help request here.

My wallet status is: Not Verified

Can someone help, please?


Me too I still don’t get my monthly pay out can someone fix this!

Many of the user even I too waiting for the payment(APRIL). What we can do is just wait and have some patience.


Oh, so this a normal thing?

yes have some patience… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I didn’t know that. Thanks!

yes or even more no need to worry :stuck_out_tongue:


I haven’t gotten mine yet either. I only just verified my wallet in March. I see the replies, hopefully it’ll come through in the next few days.


Hi . why you wrote “solved” ??? i’m stil waiting fro my rewards

Apparently, it takes a few days after your payment date to get the BATs. So all you can do is wait in patience. If it’s been long, I think you’d need to contact the support tewam.

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But how much we all have to wait for??
running outta patience!!

Hello All,

I am having same problem I see none of the BAT payments to my wallet for almost 5 months now. Last months transfer didnt go thru and my wallet is verified through uphold. When i check my transactions i see no activity for past 5 months.

What is the deal?

I think we will not get any rewards for this month they are delaying and delaying and delaying and the main thing is that they are not telling us particular date or any other thing by which we come to know exactly what’s the matter is going on… Just telling “have some patience”… Or it is processing… What the f**k is going on if the payments are processing then why No one gets claim from last 2 days… If no one gets claim then what are you processing @steeven let us know are you kidding us?? Or what… Brave community haaye haaye brave community haaye haaye hamari mange puri karo puri karo puri karo… Tumhari tanashai nhi chalegi nhi chalegi…

I havent been getting any of the payouts month after month. Ironically as soon as BAT price started rising these clowns stopped paying out.

Bout to uninstall this browser.

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Hi All . i have same problems . no BAT received even if i should have more than 150 ADS in april !!!

My last payment was several months ago. I have 398 BAT waiting to be paid. I need help.

You should probably DM this guy:

Payments problems are not related to market pump. This situation happen the past year. Be patient and continue to ask for help.
Even without payout, Brave is still the best

@steeven is alone for thousands of users. We must be patient…