@matthewatlant0s ,
Brave Browser
UPDATING INFO - Wednesday, June 22, 2022
NOTICE: The following official “Brave Release Notes” link, does NOT have up-to-date information. For example, the latest release information regarding Brave Browser for iOS, has not been updated to v1.39 ( (June, 2022) from v1.34.1 (Tuesday, January 25, 2022):
Brave Browser for Desktop – Information
The following link has good – Brave Browser for Desktop computers – CHANGELOG information:
There, to see the list of stable releases (‘Assets’) for Linux / Mac / Windows computers, click on the [large font size] version number.
Another good source – Brave Browser for Desktop computers – information:
There, click on the version number of interest.
Brave Browser Release Schedule at GitHub:
Brave Browser Android – Information
The following link has good – Brave Browser for Android – CHANGELOG information:
To see the list of stable releases (‘Assets’) for Android devices, click on the [large font size] version number, and in the new window, look for installation packages with the APK suffix (‘Pick the APK file suitable for your device’s architecture’).
Brave Browser iOS – Information
Milestones - Source that tends to be the most up-to-date for iOS progress info:
There, click on the version number of interest. Check both Open and Closed version numbers. And after clicking on a version number, also check both Open and Closed Issues.
The following link has good – Brave Browser for iOS – CHANGELOG information, but is not up-to-date:
Browser iOS releases at GitHub - currently (Wednesday, June 22, 2022) still out-of-date:
. . . though some of the more recent release notes, show at the Apple App Store, along with the latest version of Brave Browser iOS:
NOTE: The following apple.com link will probably not work for an Internet browser aboard an Apple iOS device, because: Apple, again ignoring maintenance procedures, such as using a Mac for maintaining Windows OS machines, or using an iPad for maintaining other devices by means of a web browser but not via the App Store app.
There, look for What’s New or Version History
Brave Browse for iOS - Tags:
At that brave.com web page, you could click on the “Changelog for _____” , in order to get to the log, or visit:
There, look for the text: “Reference: Google Chrome” followed immediately by the version numbers – in the following example, you would Click on “98.0.4758.102”
That will take you to another web page. Scroll down that page.
Also, if you wish, look for log in bold, and for community help forum in bold . . . and click on them.
UPDATING my reply, here - 20220622
Re ‘Pick the APK file suitable for your device’s architecture’
Brave Browser for Android - at GitHub:
Latest version:
Bravearm.apk . . . . . . . . 32-bit ARM
BraveMonoarm.apk . . . . 32-bit ARM
BraveMonoarm64.apk . . 64-bit ARM
BraveMonox64.apk . . . . 64-bit Intel x86_64
BraveMonox86.apk . . . . 32-bit Intel x86
Bravex86.apk . . . . . . . . 32-bit Intel x86
Good table for ref. at:
64-bit CPU architecture:
arm64 . . . (ARM)
x86_64 . . (Intel)
64-bit instruction set:
aarch64 . . . (ARM)
AArch64 . . . (ARM)
arm64 . . . . (ARM)
arm64-v8a . (ARM)
32-bit CPU architecture:
ARM . . (ARM)
x86 . . . (Intel)
32-bit instruction set:
armeabi . . . . (ARM)
armeabi-v7a . (ARM)
ARMv7 . . . . . (ARM)
Check Android device architecture:
Earlier Brave Browser development used Muon framework in order to ‘leverage’ Chromium (GitHub):
Current Brave Browser - Chromium Rebasing project (GitHub):
Core engine (brave/brave-core repository) for the Brave browser for Android, Linux OS, Mac OS, Windows OS:
‘Brave Core is a set of changes, APIs, and scripts used for customizing Chromium to make the Brave browser.’
Brave Components at GitHub:
Brave Browser (brave/brave-browser repository) at GitHub:
‘This repository holds the build tools needed to build the Brave desktop browser for macOS, Windows, and Linux.’
Brave for iOS (brave/brave-ios repository) at GitHub:
‘All development (issues, PRs, etc) takes place there.’
Brave Core for iOS developers:
‘The iOS version of Brave can be found in the brave-ios repository. The iOS code does use brave-core for a few things:’
- Brave Rewards
- Brave Ads
- Sync
Brave History, Papers, and Plans
The Road to Brave 1.0
Brave AMA (Ask Me Anything) Series
Brave Blog (and latest news)
Brave, Fingerprinting, and Privacy Budgets
Brave Release Schedule - (Chromium Release Schedule)
Brave Research Papers
Comparing the Network Behavior of Popular Browsers on First-Run
Ephemeral Third-party Site Storage
Fingerprinting Protections
First-Party Sets: Tearing Down Privacy Defenses Just as They’re Being Built
Improving Privacy By Improving Web Compatibility
New Features
Privacy Updates
Web Standards at Brave
Example: Privacy And Competition Concerns with Google’s Privacy Sandbox (Jan. 26, 2022)
About that: “Google resumes shoveling stuff into its ‘Privacy Sandbox’ (Mar. 29, 2022; The Register)”
Brave Browser - GitHub - Deviations from Chromium (features we disable or remove)
Chromium itself, is a web browser. From a description at chromium.woolyss.com:
Chromium is a blend of different important open-source projects: