My brave rewards disappeared

Troubleshooting technical issues is much easier when both the user and support agent practice clear communication. For this reason, we have provided the template below for you to fill out with information about your issue. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can most efficiently resolve your problem.

Description of the issue:
Today i got a notification of my brave rewards were available to claim bur when i clicked on it nothing happened it just kept on going with the loading sign. I thought it might take some time so i left it. But now when i check there is no earning available for me and also the previous earnings are gone.
I have attached q screenshot below where it was around 16 BAT but now only 5 BAT
I want to know where did the rest of the amount go if not to me then where?

Also i don’t have any auto tip enabled.
How can this issue be reproduced?

Expected result:

**Brave Version( check About Brave):**1.5.131

Mobile Device details
RMX1801 running COS6 based in android 9 pie
Additional Information:

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I got the same thing this morning. I took screen shots 4 hours apart. Rewards just disappeared. How do I get back

Same for me. I’was claming my BAT Rewards but it seemed the frame was indefinitely loading. My pending reward was 12.8 Bat.

Now there is only 3.7 bat in my wallet…

Mine disappeared also had 15.5 B.A.T. as of 4/30/2020. Was supposed to drop in 05/05/2020. Now i have 4.3 B.A.T. next drop 06/06/2020.

known issue

Me the same, rewards disappeared from my Brave installed.

I could give you my [ brave://rewards-internals ]
or maybe is better to write at [[email protected]] ?



It happened with me as wel :roll_eyes:
Showed me 15 bats and available now only 5 bats :unamused:

Hi all - please see May 5th Ads Reward Claim Errors.

Brave installed in my desktop is linked to Uphold. But i did not receive my BAT either from my desktop or my Android phone. So what you mean by “users that are using Uphold user wallets are not impacted”?

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@Tidjy - if your wallet is linked to uphold, you dont use claim button, your rewards should be transfered to uphold automatically (issue described above is related to to “claim button”), and if not arrived yet, wait a few hours…

Same for me. I’was claming my BAT Rewards but it seemed the frame was indefinitely loading. My pending reward


Brave android user here happened the same with me. They say they have updated the problem but still I can’t see my earnings. Instead my earnings have decreased form 16 BAT to around 6BAT. i want to know when did the rest go if not in my wallet?

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The desktop version of brave was a bit late with the payments this month

I have the same issue.

I have Brave browser on Android have collected tokens for a long time.

All have disappeared I have no uphold account and have not rewarded them I have it switched off.

[quote=“hamzamemon, post:1, topic:123682”]
Description of the issue:
On May 5th I got a notification of my brave rewards were available to claim bur when i clicked on it nothing happened it just kept on going with the loading sign. I thought it might take some time so i left it. But now when i check there is no earning available for me and also the previous earnings are gone.
I have attached 3 screenshot below where it was around 15.7 BAT but now only 2.3 BAT as it was before 5th of May.
I want to know where did the rest of the amount go if not to me then where?

Also i don’t have any auto tip enabled.
**How can this issue be reproduced?

**Expected result:

**Brave Version( check About Brave ):**1.8.93, Chromium 81.0.4044.129

Mobile Device details
HUAWEIMRD-LX1, MRD-LX1 Build running on Android 9,
**Additional Information:
Before May 5th

Rewards collected till May5th which dissapeared

Currently collected rewards after May 5th,


Hello, I am also missing my brave tokens. Please see attached screenshot for total amount. How do I go about getting then back? I am updated to newest version on play store, I’m on 1.8.112

Please help

Same issue. My app has been updated this whole time as well. Idk what I’m supposed to do.

Last month I dragged the triangle to the target and then nothing happened. Just now it said “claim rewards” and I clicked it, then nothing.

I guess these are lost forever?

I had more than 250 bat on one of my phones. All of it is now gone. One of the other threads said that a new update would resolve the issue, and for some phones it might take a couple days for it to go into effect. I just tried my phone again last night to see if it had been resolved, but on opening brave it created a new wallet, and I’m still missing everything.