My brave rewards are not yet into my gemini wallet

@rd123 I just checked, it looks like @SaltyBanana wasn’t here on the forums the past 2 days. Perhaps their days off and nothing yet today. Unfortunately we don’t know work schedules, if people are sick, or anything else. I do know SaltyBanana usually stays on top of people fairly well. Sorry you’re seeing a delay. At least tagged here but might throw in for @Mattches and @steeven as well in case they might suggest you message them instead. But I know at this point your account seems to be flagged, since you’re seeing ads but not getting BAT. Well, that’s if you’re still having that issue that you shared at I am not receiving any rewards from jan 7 to jan28 - #3 by rd123

If you’re earning BAT now and you’ve been told it’s sent to Gemini, then it might be that SaltyBanana had resolved things even if they didn’t message you to let you know, but that now you’re saying it’s a new issue that it’s not arrived at Gemini yet.

Can you answer, are you still seeing ads but not getting BAT? Or what’s the status on that?