If you are using Windows, check these FAQ, specifically at the end of the page.
Please, note that this is not an official backup procedure. It may not work in your system.
Since Brave is removing vBAT sometime in the next weeks, this procedure may not work anymore in the future.
Note: as far as I know, it may not be possible to backup the saved passwords. They are supposed to be encrypted by your OS.
I’m getting a new device OR I need to reinstall Brave, how do I backup my BAT?
- BAT needs to be on a verified wallet if you don’t want to risk losing it. At this time, it is NOT saved when you create a Sync chain. If you have verified your “wallet” with Uphold or Gemini, then when you install Brave on your new device and connect it with your Wallet, your BAT should appear and all pending BAT will be sent in the next payout.
- If you don’t have a verified wallet and your BAT is actually vBAT, there currently is no official way to save it. Brave is working on an official Backup & Restore feature for Brave Rewards. Until then, the unofficial way that works to move your BAT from an unverified wallet to a new device can be seen at https://www.reddit.com/r/BATProject/comments/rvsokm/how_to_backup_brave_wallet_for_windows/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/BATProject/comments/smh28a/brave_backup/