Mouse pointer visible in fullscreen videos

Description of the issue:
When a video on Youtube plays on a second monitor in fullscreen mode, the mouse pointer does not disappear in the Brave browser and in Chrome when playing a Youtube video.

Expected result:
Mouse pointer will always disappear after a few seconds while playing fullscreen videos.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Launch a browser window in your second monitor.
  2. Load and play a random video.
  3. Hit (F) and put put your video in fullscreen mode.
  4. Wait 3-4 seconds until the pointer and Youtube UI disappears.
  5. Left click the screen to pause it.
  6. Left click again to unpause. The UI fades away, but the mouse pointer remains.

Exact URL of the website in question:

Does the site work as expected when using Chrome?
Same issue is in latest build of Chrome. (Version 118.0.5993.118 (Official Build) (64-bit))

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.59.124 Chromium: 118.0.5993.117 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:
Only seems to happen on the second monitor. This is on a Windows 10 machine.

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Thanks for reaching out.
Looks like Iā€™m not able to reproduce this ā€” just asked some team members to test. Likely an upstream Chromium issue but is hard to tell.

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