Money on different devices not syncing up

I have brave on my phone, my laptop, and my work computer…they are all verified but none of them have the same amount of rewards currency. I apologize if this has already been addressed I tried searching for this type of question but I probably didn’t word it right.
My phone is android, laptop is Mac book pro, and work computer is windows 11.

I assume they are all verified with the same account. Uphold or Gemini?

There are two things that you need to look at in your rewards page brave://rewards/

  1. Current earnings: this shows the rewards recently earned. These ones are only in the browser, thus each device shows a different amount. They will be transferred to your account at the beginning of the following month.


  1. Balance. This shows the rewards that were already transferred to your account. If all devices are verified with the same account, then they should be showing the same value.


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They all ended up syncing thank you

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