Ok, this is the 4th time I have typed this out. I use Brave browser daily since February. I haven’t been getting as many ads as I was led to believe, so in the time since I downloaded Brave, I have earned about 27 BAT. On the 2nd, around noon, I realized that my BAT total in Rewards was at 0. My “grants” button showed that I have in fact earned what I had thought, so I downloaded the update, forced closed, and left the app closed until the morning of the 3rd. When I opened it again, my balance was still at 0. I tried to contact customer support, and couldn’t find a way to contact the company directly. After hours of searching for some kind of troubleshooting posted online, I decided to use the method that I have used with other apps in the past, so I uninstalled and reinstalled it, expecting to be prompted to sign in, and having my BAT show back up like it should. There was no sign in option, so now I have a brand new account with zero BAT, and no obvious way to retrieve it. I had a support agent respond to me within hours of my initial complaint, asking for all my info, and since I sent it I haven’t heard a word. I do in fact have a screenshot of the grants that I was awarded, but I can’t offer any other proof but my emails that I have been sent. Please hook me up with SOMEBODY who can right this wrong.
**Brave Version 1.11.105 Chromium: 84.0.4147.105 (Official Build) (32-bit)
Mobile Device details OnePlus 3T model #A3003
Additional Information: I never had a problem until the 2nd of August