Hey guys,
I’m still having the issue of missing ads payout for the month of May like some other people here.
You can see my original post regarding this here:
Now, I’ve been reading quite a lot here and searching for ways to locate to root of the problem. One thing in particular that I read mentioned the Rewards Internals, so I thought this could be interesting to check out.
So, I went to brave://rewards-internals and had a look at the protocol.
That’s where I saw a lot of stoff which I can’t really understand from a technical point of view but the description alone made me think that this might be the source of my problem. My problem being not receiving any ad pop ups and not receiving ad payout.
Just for your understanding, a short copied excerpt from the protocol:
[27. Mai 2021, 7:22:24,0 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[27. Mai 2021, 7:23:00,2 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[27. Mai 2021, 7:33:13,6 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[27. Mai 2021, 7:34:31,8 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[27. Mai 2021, 7:35:50,0 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[27. Mai 2021, 7:37:47,2 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[27. Mai 2021, 7:38:00,1 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[27. Mai 2021, 7:42:40,5 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[27. Mai 2021, 7:43:38,3 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[27. Mai 2021, 7:44:05,1 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[27. Mai 2021, 7:51:51,9 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[27. Mai 2021, 8:10:32,6 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[27. Mai 2021, 8:49:38,8 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[27. Mai 2021, 8:58:16,6 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[27. Mai 2021, 9:02:21,8 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[27. Mai 2021, 9:02:32,1 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[27. Mai 2021, 9:04:12,2 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[27. Mai 2021, 9:04:25,4 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[27. Mai 2021, 9:04:44,1 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[27. Mai 2021, 11:27:58,6 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[28. Mai 2021, 3:29:00,8 AM:ERROR:get_parameters.cc(53)] Unexpected HTTP status: -1
[28. Mai 2021, 5:27:30,6 AM:ERROR:get_parameters.cc(53)] Unexpected HTTP status: -1
[28. Mai 2021, 5:27:31,0 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 8:27:00,7 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 8:47:00,5 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 8:53:59,9 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 8:54:22,2 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 9:00:37,6 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 9:08:44,8 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 9:27:42,2 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 9:34:31,6 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 11:34:15,1 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 11:53:42,4 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 12:15:38,7 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 12:35:37,1 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 12:42:17,1 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 12:47:06,3 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 1:18:07,3 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[28. Mai 2021, 1:20:51,0 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[28. Mai 2021, 1:21:50,5 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[28. Mai 2021, 2:13:57,2 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 2:14:21,5 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 2:15:06,7 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 6:08:48,2 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 6:09:56,5 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 6:14:37,8 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 6:15:12,0 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 6:15:17,3 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 6:16:04,5 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 6:30:04,8 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 7:20:53,2 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[28. Mai 2021, 8:23:45,0 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[28. Mai 2021, 8:25:32,8 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[28. Mai 2021, 8:26:32,7 PM:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
[28. Mai 2021, 10:45:59,5 PM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[29. Mai 2021, 12:19:03,8 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[29. Mai 2021, 12:50:47,4 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[29. Mai 2021, 2:01:01,2 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[29. Mai 2021, 4:00:17,6 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[29. Mai 2021, 5:00:16,9 AM:ERROR:get_parameters.cc(53)] Unexpected HTTP status: -1
[29. Mai 2021, 6:01:00,2 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[29. Mai 2021, 7:00:18,0 AM:ERROR:get_parameters.cc(53)] Unexpected HTTP status: -1
[29. Mai 2021, 8:00:22,8 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[29. Mai 2021, 8:43:37,1 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[29. Mai 2021, 8:57:54,3 AM:ERROR:ad_rewards.cc(280)] Payment balance is not ready
[29. Mai 2021, 12:42:32,2 PM:ERROR:get_parameters.cc(53)] Unexpected HTTP status: -1
I’m really not able to tell what exactly went wrong but its obvious something’s not working the way it should be. As someone mentioned I cleared the cache of my browser and did a restart but that did nothing.
Is there another way of solving this problem from my side or is this something strictly related to the software itself?
Thanks guys!