Minimize Tabs Keyboard Shortcut

Hi Team Brave,

I absolutely love Brave browser, and the new vertical tabs feature is killer.

The one thing that would make it perfect is having a keyboard shortcut for the Minimize Tabs button. I find myself toggling it on and off regularly, and have everything else in Brave keyboard-only, so this is making me use the mouse often and lose productivity/flow.

This would improve user experience and avoid plugins patching up missing functionality.


100 times yes. Even on mac if you could add a menu bar entry for “Minimise tabs” and “Expand tabs” and then we could use macos keyboard shortcuts. But for now I’ll be hitting the button like an animal. An ANIMAL :monkey:! :grinning:

It was already added and it was because I requested it on Github, so you are all welcome.

You don’t use Nightly, so obviously you have to wait for keyboard customization to be available on Brave, which should happen on next stable version, but I am not sure.

Please check this URL to learn how to set a shortcut to expand/minimize vertical tabs.


So, currently user need to find an accord/combination that works for him? No standard one working “from the box”?