Microsoft 365 ad open as start page instead of Outlook

**I set my laptop to open Outlook. Just recently an ad opens up when I open Brave. Settings shows the correct page to open when I open Brave, but I still get the Microsoft 365 ad and have to sign into Outlook everytime.


Tried both suggestions and this is shown in Settings for Outlook:

When I turned Shields off I got this:

Or this:

Error Page

Shields Down

Well, seems like it was throwing an error on your side, so that will not help your test.

I added to Open a specific page or set of pages and it worked fine when I opened browser again.

You shouldn’t have to disable shields, unless you are not blocking something in brave://settings/cookies or check you are not clearing stuff on exit here brave://settings/clearBrowserData

I don’t know why people have so many issues when it comes to data, but my data always works here. manages most Microsoft services so there is no issue when it comes to 3p and 1p and all that, it should just work.

Any flag you enabled? any extension? that could always affect things.

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