May rewards get down by a lot

I’m posting this here… It seems the amount of BATs gets dryer with time

Date : 30 May

Date : 1 June

and 30 seconds later the amount has changed to

We will see in 15 days how much I received…


Brave is aware of the issue and working on the problem. Posted a response from a moderator in a similar topic below. Pretty sure Brave is working on this in the background. I had a couple of profiles with this issue and one has corrected but the other still has the issue. Hopefully, Brave will get everything corrected by payout completion.

Payment has arrived… For once the difference is not that bad, but the remaining if quite a bit different.

Amount has been increase by 0.04 BAT, and remaining by 2.0 BAT (this is more than the week gain) since 1 June 2022

Payments are still processing for Gemini ( Brave Ads Payout status). Please wait until payments for Gemini are complete. You may get an additional payout. If you still have an issue, you can submit a request for support to take a closer look using the form linked below.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Take care. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m happy to report I received 0.25 bat on 18 June ! the letf 4 BATs are now grown to 7.

Have you submitted a request for support staff to take a closer look at your issue? Reposting link to form.

Whixh issue ?

For this post, I mentionned that part of the reward should be paid, and the given amount has been paid. So no issue anymore.

If the issue is the 4 remaning BAT that haven’t been paid since about beginning this year, I understand these are BAT that the advetiser havent paid to Brave yet and they are cumulated… I saw post in the past about that from Brave. Until when, I nobody knows. Is it this one you are talking about ?


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Yes. Although I did not know that Rewards were not paid out if advertiser hasn’t paid. That must be a nightmare to reconcile monthly for both Brave and users. Do you happen to have a link to a post with this information or was this information from an email sent in response to a submitted request form?


I guess this would be a real nightmarefor the reconsiliation. I don’t know how they will manage this…
I don’t have links bookmarked, but this is in this forum thata I read a comment in that direction. May be when I have time, I’ll look for it.

Thank you for your help in this forum.

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Thank-you. :slightly_smiling_face: I’ll see if I can find using search. If I run across it, I will post the link for reference. Take care. :smiley:

I’m going to step in for a moment just on this. I haven’t seen Brave say anything like that anywhere. There was a time or two in various discussions where I was talking to people about possible reasons for issues, to which I stated I wasn’t sure if it might have been because of the reason you stated. But people insisted that’s not the case.

In regards to ads not being reconciliated, the official means told to me is because they were having to update their infrastructure. Unfortunately their systsems weren’t able to keep up with the amount of users and ads. They believe everything has been fixed now or at least nearing that. It’s expected that we will begin to receive 100% of payments if you’ve updated to the newest browser, 1.40+.

Hi !

Thank you for your input. I think, that thi s is one of your post I read. To be honest, I’m not sure exacty what was said. And I kept with this status…
I’m running Brave 1.40.107. The remaining Bat are cumulating for month now, and about 2 have not been redeemed in May (see the screenshot above). I guess they still have issues. I hope this wil be resolved at some point.

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