Description of the issue: I have my laptop and a monitor setup. My laptor screen is below my monitor. When I maximize the brave on my laptop, the border of the browser extends to my monitor and I can see in it.
How can this issue be reproduced? Here I just maximize the windows and this happens. I’ve tried to reproduce on Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Opera and FIrefox and the error doesn’t occur, only with Brave.
Expected result:
Brave Version( check About Brave
): Version 1.11.101 Chromium: 84.0.4147.89 (Official version) 64 bits
Additional Information: I saw two issues on an old repository, the “browser-laptop”, which is from you. You said it was fixed but I’m getting this error here.
Here’s a screenshot:
You can see the blue border on my second monitor. It is from Brave.