Max number of devices reachzd by reinstalling brave app on android. Now I can't link uphold wallet anymore

I used brave without any problems on my android device but was unable to verify and link my existing uphold account since I reinstalled the brave app on my phone. Now it says that I have reached the maximum number of devices. Is it possible to please remove my phone from the connected devices so I can succesfully reconnect my wallet? If needed for it to work properly you can just remove all devices so I can reconnect all of them properly. I didn’t realise what the problem was until I installed the brave beta browser because it gave the error (see attachment). The normal brave browser just did nothing when I tried to connect my uphold wallet to it. Please help me because I love your produt but want to earn some BAT tokens on the device that I use the most (phone). Also brave reward support for apple devices would be lovely. Many thanks!

Hi the same here. Did you receive any help ? Thank you and regards Carsten.

Hello @Wg92 @c_moeller

Please see this thread → How to submit a wallet unlinking request


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Thanks but I already filled in the form before I posted this. I got no confirmation by email or anything where I can track the status of this. How will brave update me when they have removed my device?


Thank you for submitting the request. We will email you back once we’ve processed your request.

Thank you.


Thanks, I’m awaiting the email.

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@Mattches When can I expect the email? Still haven’t got any.

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Unfortunately we have a ton of these requests to process so it will take some time. We do apologize for the inconvenience.

@Mattches How long do you expect this to take because I’m stuck with this problem for weeks now and it really makes we want to uninstall the mobile app for Chrome again…

@Mattches Waiting for almost a month now, how long is this going to take?

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