Mac Browser Rewards not going to Uphold

Description of the issue:
I just realized (mainly over the last two months, though I think going on for some time) that my rewards from Mac browser are no longer going to Uphold, since I linked my Android device to Uphold.

I can see that I am getting the monthly claims in both Mac and Android, but my Uphold transaction history only seems to correlate to Android distributions for the past several months. Furthermore, looking at reward settings, the Android page matches my balance with uphold exactly, while my Mac browser has a completely separate balance.

In the Mac browser, it says ‘Wallet Verified’ and it is the first place where I setup the Uphold integration and it worked prior to linking my Android. I confirm I only have 1 Uphold account. I’ve tried delinking and relinking the Mac browser to uphold last month, but it didnt help. I can also confirm that both the Mac browser and Android browser are part of the same sync chain.

So I’m not really sure where the Mac browser BAT balance is physically stored and how I can get it transferred to Uphold.


Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.19.88 Chromium: 88.0.4324.96 (Official Build) (x86_64)

any advice on this? I can still see that my Mac and Android browsers display different total amounts of BAT, yet both are linked to the same Uphold Wallet and the Uphold Wallet matches the amount in my Android browser. So while I’m regularly receiving rewards on the Mac browser, I’m not sure where those tokens are actually going. Thank you

additionally I noticed the following:
My uphold account has 7.125 BAT
My Android browser has 7.125 BAT
My Mac browser has 17.375 BAT

If i disconnect my Mac from Uphold, i have 10.25 BAT left in the Mac browser. So it does seem that my Mac browser is properly linked to the Uphold account, but those 10.25 BAT never seem to get pushed to the Uphold account and I dont see any way to push or sync this.

If i go to Settings > Manage Your Wallet > Reset it says:
Your 10.25 BATs and other Rewards data will be permanently lost if you reset your wallet. Please ensure you have verified your wallet with Uphold so you can keep your BAT.

If i click on Add Funds or Withdraw funds, it just links and opens my Uphold account but never does a transfer of the actual tokens.

I’m not sure what to do at this point. Thanks

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