Looks like your browser, operating system, or device is not supported

Description of the issue: :

I’m suddenly having compatibility issues with two websites

I got this message 1 on website 1 :

Update required

Looks like your browser, operating system, or device is not supported. Please make some updates to access Netflix. Learn more about updates and requirements here.

message 2 on website 2

your Browser is out of date.

Update your browser to view ScienceDirect.

View recommended browsers.

Exact URL of the website in question:

website 1 : www.netflix.com
website 2 : www.sciencedirect.com

Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off?

Does the site work as expected when using Chrome?

@chaari do you have Widevine enabled? Check that by going to SettingsExtensions or just typing in brave://settings/extensions on your address bar.


I’m assuming that may be the issue you have on at least Netflix.

Also want to ask, when you are going to sciencedirect, does it appear as soon as you get to the page or only on certain content? Are you logging in to an account?


On both, can you test on a private window and/or a new profile to see if the issue occurs there as well?

Thank you
No the issue was not Widevine , it was actually one of the installed extensions .
I disabled the extension and now everything is fine

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Mind sharing which extension it was @chaari ?

When I saw this earlier and it was Netflix my mind instantly went to Widevine either, sorry I didn’t say anything @Saoiray haha, glad it worked out though… but yeah curious which extension it was for anyone else who might have issues with it for future reference… so many extensions, and maybe it’ll be fixed in the future anyway but… figured with mentioning (as asked in previous post :wink: )

it was “trace online tracking protection”

Ahh this one, ok, just thought it might be helpful for future reference… it’ll likely be updated soon and fix the issue but worth mentioning anyway I figured, thanks for sharing :slightly_smiling_face:

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