Login and cookie problems

Description of the issue:
Weird thing going on with cookies or something else. Logging out f quite a lot of sites on PC. And on android, cookies are not getting cleared for some sites. Eg for android., I went to clear browsing history, and there cleared cookies. After sometime, I will go there again to clear history and the browser ask whether to clear the old cookies again which I already did. After that the cookies are still not cleared and again it asks to clear the same cookies. Started happening 3 weeks ago on android, and 1 week before on desktop (the new update which contained gemini).

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.29.77 Chromium: 93.0.4577.63 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information: Seen other people too having these cookie/login problems on various brave forums and doesn’t seem to be only with me. Hope itt is sorted out in the new update.

The temporary workaround until a fix is found - disable brave://flags/#brave-ephemeral-storage.

Mentioned your issues in the Github ticket below. I do my best to provide every detail regarding this weird behavior some users are experiencing, please let me know if you find more details regarding the issues you’re experiencing :+1:

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Will check it out. Thank You.
Also, how did it came to stable version and was not flagged in beta and nightly version??

The thing is, this weird issue isn’t present for all Brave users. Developers are investigating it, but for example - I for one am yet to experience any of the issues you and other users are describing.

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Take a look:

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