Description of the issue: I have to log into all websites every time.
How can this issue be reproduced?: Self explanatory.
Expected result: Save cookies so I can save personal PC as a trusted device to reduce logins
Brave Version: v1.73.104
Additional Information: This only recently started happening. I don’t use the built-in password manager and only third party cookies are being blocked. I also don’t have any data being cleared upon exit. I already read older threads from previous versions of Brave.
same here… everything was fine until about a month ago. Now Brave logs me out of literally everything whenever I close the browser. Google, YouTube, X, Reddit, literally everything. It’s so frustrating, I’m about to switch browsers if I cannot find a solution
Appreciate the diligence, though none of my settings are as you have listed. This only leaves the one extension I have installed – Proton Pass. It has worked fine and I haven’t changed any setting, so it may be time to contact Proton.
Oh yeah, @jforsgren. when I replied and linked to that, was from my phone and something I saw when out and about. Is why I was a bit lazy, I hate writing much unless on my desktop, lol.
Assuming you saw all of that, I do want to kind of confirm, did you try on a test profile? Before assuming an extension is to blame, it’s usually good to create a second browser profile and check. If that has no issues, then can assume it’s the extension or one of your browser settings that is at fault.
But if you do a test profile and the same issue occurs, at least tells us it’s something else going on.
Guarantee you 100% that your issue is one of the following:
Your Shields settings is blocking cookies or set to do something like Forget me when I close this site
You have On Exit stuff enabled under Clear Browsing Data
You have selected some setting under On-Device Site Data, such as Delete data sites have saved to your device when you close all windows
You have an extension that blocks or clears cookies, cache, or whatever.
You have a 3rd party program like CCleaner, Avast Cleaner, or any number of other things which attempts to free up space on your device and tends to clear cookies and other data
You are opening in private/incognito window, maybe launching private by default, which would automatically clear all cookies and all when you exit the browsing session.
It’s not literally logging you out of everything and it’s only certain websites like banks, which are logging you out because of their own security features. Many secure sites will clear if your fingerprint isn’t the exact same, your IP changes, or they may just automatically have cookies expire after a certain timeframe.
Then in terms of checking the second profile, gave the following:
To troubleshoot this issue, try creating a second browser profile. Here’s how:
Open the hamburger menu (☰).
Select More tools > Add new profile.
This creates a fresh profile with default settings and no extensions. However, note that changes made to brave://flags and any custom filter rules in Shields will carry over.
Once the new profile is set up, don’t modify anything. Simply visit some or all of the sites you’re experiencing issues with.
If the new profile works without logging you out, it likely confirms the problem is caused by an extension or a setting in your original profile.
The issue may be caused by third-party cookie blocking or misconfigured settings related to cookies, which could be preventing the browser from saving login sessions.
using a new profile gave me the same results, all websites log out after every session. Here are a couple screenshot of my cookie settings, which again, I have not touch in years. Last resort is to uninstall Brave and attempt a reinstall?
I have tried all of these steps, ensured none the of listed settings are incorrect, even removed extensions and reinstalled Brave but the issue remains. I am convinced that it is something with the most recent Linux Snap update, which is around the same time this issue began.