Agreed, that’s an issue. That’s where they’ve even openly shared some of the things, such as maintenance. At the same time, users have also discovered problems. Like how Gemini shut down Brave integration for maintenance BUT they never sent out notices to anyone, not even Brave.
Or now where we get to put together some puzzle pieces, such as how Uphold has been canceling services in multiple regions.
PSA: Uphold stopping Russia service with a follow-up from me at ATTN Russia Users
Plus in January: Changes to Brave Ads Regional Availability
So it becomes known that there’s been a LOT of fraudulent activity. Think about the money they are losing by shutting down entire countries or regions of MILLIONS of people. Do you think places like Uphold want to turn off sources of income? Yet here they are doing it. Unfortunately Gemini hasn’t been as forthcoming. And for some reason Brave has decided not to tell us too much.
I know I’ve had conversations on the “why” behind them not sharing more, but that’s not something for me to share openly since it was told to me in confidence. What I will say is they’ve been working hard to keep everyone secure, get BAT out, and to weed out a lot of fraudulent users. Everyone who messages them and follows procedures will get things resolved. And, much as quite a few saw this month, they often will make up for inconveniences. This month many people were given up to 2x of the BAT they were owed.