Let me respond to the Summarizer

Sometimes I just need to respond to the Summarizer just so it knows what I think of it’s snide response; yes I know it’s not sentient and therefore cannot be snide, but it must know my feelings!

…On a more serious note, one thing that sets Chat GPT over most search engines is the ability to refine your query over multiple interactions, in a simulated “conversation”. For instance, one of the main features that AI provides is the ability to restate its answer in a different form to provide more avenues of understanding for people. That would be a great benefit to add to the Summarizer.

@Starius65 just a FYI, they are always working on Summarizer but overall it is not intended to be a complex language model like ChatGPT. From what last had been said by everyone, they want to keep Summarizer on Search as something simple that merely summarizes the data it finds in searches.

That said, Brave has implemented Leo into Brave. It’s currently in Nightly and will eventually make its way over to Release. That is the full AI where you can respond and carry conversations. You can read a bit more about it at https://brave.com/leo-release/ and https://brave.com/leo-roadmap/

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