Feedback and Suggestions for Improving Brave Browser's AI Chatbot and Search Functionality

Dear Brave Browser Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to provide some feedback and suggestions on your AI chatbot, Leo, and the Brave Search functionality.

Firstly, I would like to commend you on the innovative features that Brave offers, which have been the primary reasons for my switch to your browser. However, I have noticed a few areas where improvements could be made to enhance the user experience.

  1. AI Chatbot Leo: The feature of summarizing web pages and YouTube videos is indeed a unique and useful one. However, I have observed that the summaries provided by Leo are often partial and do not cover the entire content. This can sometimes lead to missing out on crucial information. I believe it would greatly enhance the user experience if Leo could provide more comprehensive summaries.

  2. Brave Search: I have encountered a recurring issue where the search function shows a connectivity error message, despite my internet connection working perfectly. This issue occurs most of the time and hinders the seamless browsing experience that Brave promises.

  3. Recaptcha on Search: Another point of concern is the frequent triggering of the Recaptcha whenever I attempt to make a search. While I understand the necessity of this feature for security purposes, the frequency of its occurrence can be quite disruptive to the browsing experience.

I am confident that addressing these issues will significantly improve the user experience and further solidify Brave’s position as a leading privacy-focused browser. I look forward to seeing these enhancements in future updates.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I appreciate your commitment to continually improving the Brave browser.

Best regards,
Debdoot Manna

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Brave - is admirable effort to create a responsible private browser. Thank you, its my main browser. The problem is that (1) your AI bot absolutely dangerously left wing, google, big data bias. Without me even mentioning TRUMP(now our unanimously elected President) or Israel: a simply search spit out Anti-trump untruthful negative bias, & absurdly WRONG statements about Isreal/Hamas war. I am seasoned freedom oriented, PSYOPS intel advisor working in Middle East at this time. And search engine results reflect Google bias. Please live up to your well intentioned business model.