"Keep Anyway" Button for a Harmful Designated File Doesn't Work

@Aman_M it’s because the download link it http and won’t upgrade to https. I’m wanting to say the same happens on Chrome but I can’t remember. Also unsure if you were to turn off Safe Browsing at brave://settings/security if it makes a difference.

To quote how it was said back when it was implemented on Chrome:

Today we’re announcing that Chrome will gradually ensure that secure (HTTPS) pages only download secure files. In a series of steps outlined below, we’ll start blocking “mixed content downloads” (non-HTTPS downloads started on secure pages). This move follows a plan we announced last year to start blocking all insecure subresources on secure pages.

  • In Chrome 88 (released January 2021) and beyond, Chrome will block all mixed content downloads.

Both of those from https://blog.chromium.org/2020/02/protecting-users-from-insecure.html

I know someone else experienced this last month and was able to download by disabling it as I mentioned.

Issue is you’re getting a HTTP download link while on HTTPS site. So it’s being blocked by default, even if you’re trying to authorize it. Turning off Safe Browsing can allow you to do it.